sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

White Paper: Opportunities and challenges for integrating CBM into MRV systems for REDD+ in Mexico (2013).

Consultancy report prepared for The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

Executive Summary Community based monitoring (CBM) can offer good options to engage
local communities in the management of natural resources and to help generating the
information necessary for REDD+. New technologies are being used to create flexible and
innovative on-line systems to monitor natural resources. It is necessary to create flexible
options to make the best use of these tools and include them into basic systems for the
representation of lands and the system to generate carbon stock change factors in REDD+.

Part of this work was presented in Warsaw during COP 19.

Side event of community forest monitoring for REDD+.

The report can be accessed in the following link:

Please cite as:
Balderas  Torres,  A.  2013.  Opportunities  and  challenges  for integrating CBM into MRV systems for REDD+ in Mexico. The Nature Conservancy. Consultancy Report, Mexico, D.F.

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